About The Podcast


Hello friends, this is Steven Dimmitt.

I love podcasts. I love to be a fly on the wall, listening to conversations and learning from people who have different perspectives than my own. For years, there was a climbing podcast I was dying to listen to, but it didn’t exist. Eventually, I decided to make it myself.

This is a podcast about climbing and self-improvement. But beneath that, it is a podcast about being a human being. I truly believe that everyone can teach us something. We just have to ask the right questions.

Welcome to The Nugget Climbing Podcast.



Want to learn more about Steven?

Check out podcast features, articles, and videos.


If you have a question, sponsorship request, or just want to say hi, you can reach me here!


If you have any feedback, I’d love to hear it!

Guest Requests

Want to hear your favorite climber on the podcast? Submit a guest request!