EP 69: Ron Kauk
May 17, 2021
Ron Kauk is a legendary Yosemite climber. He recently received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his many accomplishments, within and beyond climbing. We talked about life in Camp 4 in the 70s, climbing ‘Astroman’ with John Bachar, influential music and books, stories from a brief career in Hollywood, doing the FA of ‘Magic Line’, his non-profit Sacred Rok, daily practices, connecting with Mother Nature, and much more.
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Check out other episodes with Ron:
Follow-Up: Ron Kauk (Jul 29, 2021)
Bonus: Spiritual Revolution (May 25, 2023)
Bonus: Future Generations (Sep 19, 2024)
EP 261: Chris Sharma & Ron Kauk (Feb, 2025)
Support on Patreon:
Ron’s AAC Lifetime Achievement Award:
Return to Balance: A Climber’s Journey
The Grounded (Documentary about Barefoot Standing)
Are You Experienced album by Jimi Hendrix
Astroman song by Jimi Hendrix
Midnight Lightning song by Jimi Hendrix
Monkey Man song by The Rolling Stones
Basic Rockcraft by Royal Robbins
Tales of Power by Carlos Castaneda
Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Spirit of the Rock by Ron Kauk
The Nature Way by Corbin Harney
Sacred Rok:
From Alan Watts:
Routes Mentioned:
‘Butterballs’ 5.11c, Cookie Cliff, Yosemite, CA
‘The Nutcracker' 5.8, Yosemite, CA
‘Outer Limits’ 5.10c, Cookie Cliff, Yosemite, CA
‘The Nose’ 5.9 C2, El Capitan, Yosemite, CA
‘Midnight Lightning’ V8, Camp 4, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA, 1978)
‘Astroman’ 5.11c, Washington Column, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA w/ Bachar and Long, 1975)
‘Entrance Exam’ 5.9, Arch Rock, Yosemite, CA
‘Tales of Power’ 5.12b, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA)
‘Separate Reality’ 5.12a, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA)
‘To Bolt Or Not To Be’ 5.14a, Smith Rock, OR
‘Magic Line’ 5.14c, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA on pre-placed gear, 1996)
‘Thriller’ V9/10, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA, 1984)
‘The North Face’ 5.11c, The Rostrum, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA w/ Yablonski, 1977)
‘Heaven’ 5.12d/13a, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA, 1990s)
‘Peace’ 5.13c/d, Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA)
‘Taco Chips’ 5.13a, Smith Rock, OR
‘Crossroads’ 5.13a, Yosemite, CA (Kauk FA, 1990)
‘Backbone’ 5.13a, Smith Rock, OR
Ron’s Links:
4:17 – Out of the blue, and reflecting on a life of climbing
8:19 – Sylvester Stallone, Wolfgang Gulich, and a brief career in Hollywood
18:48 – Doubling for Tom Cruise, and working on films in Yosemite
20:14 – “We would do anything to make $1000.”
23:24 – Ron’s first wilderness trip at age 14, and early rock climbing
28:43 – Rattlesnake Ridge
32:33 – Climbing ‘The Nutcracker’
35:17 – Catching rides to Yosemite, and Dale Bards bakery van
38:07 – ‘Outer Limits’ with Bridwell
39:28 – Ron’s first summer in Yosemite, and “all I needed to do was get there.”
42:55 – A day in the life in Camp 4, and climbing The Nose in a day
48:23 – Jimmy Hendrix
52:40 – ‘Midnight Lightning’
57:41 – Playful training, and 100 fingertip pull-ups
1:00:13 – Catching waves, and freeing ‘Astroman’ with John Bachar
1:07:53 – Carlos Casteneda, ‘Tales of Power’, and ’Separate Reality’
1:13:47 – The end of the 70s, ‘To Bolt’, and ‘Magic Line’
1:18:27 – “I am that waterfall.”
1:20:19 – Mother nature, nurture, and becoming better caretakers
1:21:47 – Sacred Rok, and the universe as our university
1:26:15 – Sponsorship and performing
1:29:34 – Ron’s vision for what climbing could be
1:35:44 – Taking time in nature, and getting back to the basics
1:39:45 – Barefoot standing
1:49:12 – Slowing down
1:54:11 – Words from Alan Watts (the climber)
2:03:30 – Questions from Alan
2:12:12 – The photograph
2:15:56 – “We really are all connected.”
2:19:21 – Follow-Up teaser, and show notes