EP 152: Fundamentals Part 1
January 15, 2023
Photo by Charlie Egan
Fundamentals (Part 1 of 6) — In this episode, Jesse and I each share our top tips and pitfalls for going on a climbing trip. Whether you are planning your first-ever climbing trip, or are a seasoned climber, we think you’ll find some helpful nuggets here. We learned these lessons the hard way. Hopefully, you won’t have to.
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Jesse’s Original Episode:
EP 127: Jesse Firestone (July 18, 2022)
Athletic Greens:
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And check out EP 22 with Justin Brown to learn more about how to use Rhino products!
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Show Notes:
Jesse’s Tips and Pitfalls:
Tip #1: Set the tone for the trip early
Tip #2: On a week-long trip, always rest the second day
Tip #3: Minimize the decisions you have to make right after climbing
Pitfall #1: When people recommend climbs to you, keep in mind that they almost always recommend climbs that they had good experiences on, not things that are objectively good
Pitfall #2: Training right up until the trip, and cramming training in at the last second
Pitfall #3: Wrecking your skin
Jesse’s Top Tip: Set the tone early in the trip
Steven’s Tips and Pitfalls:
Tip #1: Be open
Tip #2: Climb some easy things
Tip #3: Go look at tons of stuff
Tip #4: Measure the success of the trip in experiences, and not in sends
Pitfall #1: Spending the entire trip on one climb
Pitfall #2: Climbing way too much
Pitfall #3: Not getting the intensity right
Steven’s Top Tip: Be open
Jesse’s Links:
0:02:53 – Jesse’s story of breaking his toe in Thailand, and my first-ever bouldering trip to Bishop CA
0:06:28 – Lessons from our first failed climbing trips
0:09:11 – Jesse’s Tip #1: Set the tone for the trip early
0:12:11 – Jesse’s Tip #2: On a week-long trip, always rest the second day
0:13:58 – Patience, and taking a week or two to acclimate on longer trips
0:17:55 – Steven’s Tip #1: Be open
0:21:48 – Steven’s Tip #2: Climb some easy things
0:23:47 – Bonus Tip: Pay some attention to what your climbing values are
0:24:10 – Steven’s Tip #3: Go look at tons of stuff
0:25:51 – Jesse’s Tip #3: Minimize the decisions you have to make right after climbing
0:27:24 – Try to avoid survival mode
0:29:09 – Steven’s Tip #4: Measure the success of the trip in experiences, and not in sends
0:31:28 – Bonus Tip: Set process-oriented goals rather than achievement-oriented goals (and scrap the tick list)
0:34:12 – How complicated it is to climb well on a trip
0:37:34 – Jesse’s Pitfall #1: When people recommend climbs to you, keep in mind that they almost always recommend climbs that they had good experiences on, not things that are objectively good
0:39:11 – My first trip to The Red, Jesse’s first trip to Hueco, and thoughts on training for your first trip to a new area
0:41:55 – Jesse’s Pitfall #2: Don’t train right up until the trip, and don’t try to cram your training in at the last second (show up rested)
0:45:10 – Steven’s Pitfall #1: Spending the entire trip on one climb
0:46:07 – Steven’s Pitfall #2: Climbing way too much
0:47:21 – Bonus Tip: Be genuinely interested in other people’s climbing
0:49:01 – Bonus Tip: It’s ok to climb a lot on a trip, but be sure to rest appropriately afterward
0:52:39 – Jesse’s Pitfall #3: Wrecking your skin
0:54:47 – Steven’s Pitfall #3: Not getting the intensity right
0:57:52 – The sunk cost fallacy on a trip
0:58:57 – Jesse’s Top Tip: Set the tone early in the trip
0:59:37 – Steven’s Top Tip: Be open
1:00:31 – Wrap up